Q - What is Digitizing and
why do I need it?
A - Embroidery Digitizing is the the process of creating a small computer program that drives an automatic embroidery machine and tells it how to sew your design. The basis of an embroidery file is a vector art file which has embroidery functions applied to it using very specialized software and techniques. No embroidered design can be sewn on an automatic embroidery machine without a properly digitized embroidery file.
Q - What is the process of digitizing an embroidery design?
A - We approach the process of digitizing designs for embroidery by first understanding what our customer wants and then applying an extensive knowledge of the automatic embroidery process and industry specific design skills to produce a satisfying result.
Many logos have been designed only with print media in mind and this can cause problems when the time comes to embroider your logo onto a garment. Quite simply embroidery machine have considerably more limitations than an offset press does and it is often necessary to translate those designs into a form that will work in needle and thread without losing the integrity of the original design concept. This is referred to as the art of simplification. In these cases we will produce an computer mockup of your design for your approval to show what changes may be required and then we move on to producing an actual embroidery sample.
Q - How do I supply artwork to get my logo digitized?
A- Your digitizer will appreciate vector files such as EPS and AI. Often PDF files will contain vector files as well. Vector files will help to insure the best possible reproduction of your design. A really good digitizer can work from anything including a scrawl on a napkin but it will help to insure quality embroidery if you supply the best artwork you can.
Q - How much does it cost to have my logo digitized?
A - You will need to send us your artwork, or idea and from that we will estimate the stitch count and complexity of your design and from that we determine the digitizing price. For decades the stitch count was the sole factor for setting digitizing pricing but in recent times good digitizers ( like us ) have developed a hybrid system of pricing which combines stitch count and level of complexity in a way which offers discounts to the customer. An embroiderer ( again like us ) who is providing garments and embroidery may offer additional digitizing discounts or free digitizing in some cases.
- A Left Front design will be a one time digitizing charge from $30.00 to $60.00 depending on stitch count, size and complexity.
- A Full Back design will be a one time digitizing charge from $60.00 to $180.00 depending on stitch count, size and complexity.
Q - I already have an embroidery file from my last embroiderer, can you use that?
A - Most of the time Yes. If the file was used by someone previously and produced a result you were happy with there should not be any problem using it.
There are a few caveats however:
- Make sure you have been given a proper embroidery file and not simply a vector file ( we see this a lot ). An embroidery file will have an extension that you probably will not recognize. DST is the most common embroidery file extension.
- If the file is poorly digitized we will not be responsible for problems with the appearance or durability of the resulting embroidery. If the file is so poorly digitized that it greatly increases the run time we may have to charge more for the additional run time or in extreme cases we may not be able to use it at all.
Sometimes it is just better to start fresh.
- We can convert just about any embroidery file that exists to the format our machines run or to any other format but there are a few strange ones out there we cannot read. Mostly these are produced on amateur hobbiest software. There are also cases when embroidery files are not saved correctly, without the software dongle for example, and these files contain no usable data.
If you have any digitizing questions please call or email us.
250-316-9596 - 778-763-1010
Toll Free 888-813-2306